Office Hours and Tutoring Schedule

The Learning Strategies Center provides free drop-in tutoring facilitated by peers to all Cornell undergraduate students. LSC tutoring is not one-to-one, and group size varies depending on demand.
Click here for the Learning Strategies Center’s full tutoring schedule.

We also offer study skills tutoring

LSC study skills tutors facilitate workshops, visit classes, and offer drop-in study skills tutoring sessions throughout the semester. If you would like a study skills tutor to facilitate a session for your group or stop into a class you teach, contact us to set it up! For a schedule of the study skills workshops, drop-in hours, and events open to all Cornell students, visit our study skills workshops page.

Schedule in time to go to tutoring!

Many students find that LSC’s simple weekly planner is useful. It might help to color code the different types of activities you’ll be doing throughout the week: in-person classes, video lectures, on-line office hours, remote or in-person study group meetings, reading/studying on your own, breaks to chat with friends, etc.

Other ways to get support

Tutoring is one way to ask questions, but it is not the only one! You might also try:

Tutoring Schedule by Content Area (click the link for access) Courses Supported by Tutoring
Animal Science BIOAP 1110, ANSCI 2400, other classes based on availability
Biology BIOMG 1350 & BIOG 1440 (limited support for BioMG 2800)
General Chemistry CHEM 2070 & CHEM 2080, CHEM 1560
Organic Chemistry CHEM 3570 & CHEM 3580, CHEM 1570, CHEM 2510
Physics All 1*** and 2*** introductory level PHYS courses
Economics ECON 1110 & ECON 1120
Math 1106 MATH 1106
Math 1110 MATH 1110
Math 1120 MATH 1120
Math 2210 MATH 2210
Statistics AEM 2100, BTRY 3010, HADM 2010, ILRST 2100, ILRST 2110, MATH 1710, NTRES 3130, PAM 2100, PAM 2101, PSYCH 2500, SOC 3010, STSCI 2100, STSCI 2110, STSCI 2150, STSCI 2200
Language Various ASL, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, and Spanish classes
Finance and Accounting Introductory finance and accounting courses, including AEM 1200, AEM 2210, AEM 2240, AEM 2241, AEM 2420, HADM 1210, HADM 2220, HADM 2230, HADM 2250
Study Skills Workshops and Tutoring Workshops and drop-in hours on strategies for studying, managing your time, and organizing your academic life.









Last updated: 1/14/25