Study Skills Consultations

Every week while classes are in session, study-skills tutors from the Learning Strategies Center host drop-in consultation hours. All Cornell students are welcome to stop by with a quick question or for a more in-depth consult.

Hours for Spring 2024:

  • Thursdays 6-8p in the Tatkon Center (RPCC 101)

Study skills tutors can help with:

  • Figuring out a plan to study for your upcoming prelim or to complete your class project
  • Helping you and your classmates organize your groupwork and manage partner-based projects
  • Managing your schedule and making plans that will help you stay (or get) on track to finish your semester successfully
  • Learning about evidence-based methods for studying, note-taking, and time management & figuring out which of these strategies will work best for you
  • Discovering the best methods for learning from your digital course materials
  • Pointing you toward the best resources and support services at the LSC and throughout Cornell

To find out more about LSC study skills consultations, contact the Learning Strategies Center: