About LSC Tutoring

The Learning Strategies Center provides free drop-in tutoring for all Cornell undergraduate students. 

All LSC tutors are Cornell undergraduate students. LSC tutoring is not one-to-one, and group size varies depending on demand.

The LSC Drop-in Group Tutoring Schedule is here: Office Hours and Tutoring Schedule

  • Animal Science: BIOAP 1100, ANSCI 2400, other classes based on availability.
  • Biology: BIOMG 1350, BIOG 1440 — there are also limited tutoring hours for BIOMG 2800/2801: check the Canvas page for details)
  • Chemistry: CHEM 1560/1570, CHEM 2070/2080, CHEM 2510, CHEM 3570/3580
  • Economics: ECON 1110, ECON 1120
  • Finance and Accounting: Introductory courses including AEM1200, AEM2210, AEM2225, AEM2240, AEM2241, AEM2420, HADM1210, HADM2220, HADM2230, HADM2250
  • Languages: Don’t forget to check out this podcast on LSC Language Tutoring!
    • ASL 1100/1102
    • FREN 1220/1230
    • GERST 1210/1220/1230/2000
    • ITAL 1202
    • JAPAN 1102/2202
    • KOREA 1102/2202
    • CHIN 1102/1122/1124/2202/3302/4412
    • SPAN 1220/1230/2000
  • Math: MATH 1106, MATH 1110, MATH 1120, MATH 2210
  • Physics: All 1*** and 2*** introductory level PHYS courses
  • Statistics courses: AEM 2100, BTRY 3010, HADM 2010, ILRST 2100, ILRST 2110, MATH 1710, NTRES 3130, PUBPOL 2100, PUBPOL 2101, PSYCH 2500, SOC 3010, STSCI 2100, STSCI 2110, STSCI 2150, STSCI 2200

Looking for tutoring for a class similar to a class we support but not listed here? Contact us to find out if we can help!

We also offer study skills tutoring services

LSC study skills tutors facilitate workshops, visit classes, and offer drop-in study skills tutoring sessions throughout the semester. If you would like a study skills tutor to facilitate a session for your group or stop into a class you teach, contact us to set it up! For a schedule of the study skills workshops, drop-in hours, and events open to all Cornell students, visit our study skills workshops page.

Study Skills tutors can help with:

  • Figuring out a plan to study for your upcoming prelim or to complete your class project
  • Helping you and your classmates organize your group work and manage partner-based projects
  • Managing your schedule and making plans that will help you stay (or get) on track to finish your semester successfully
  • Learning about evidence-based methods for studying, note-taking, and time management & figuring out which of these strategies will work best for you
  • Discovering the best methods for learning from your digital course materials
  • Pointing you toward the best resources and support services at the LSC and throughout Cornell

When is tutoring offered?

Click here for the tutoring schedule

What can you expect at tutoring?

LSC tutors are undergraduates who help guide students through the process of understanding the subject matter. Here at the LSC we see asking for help as a strength, and many of the LSC tutors used tutoring themselves.

To make the most of your time with LSC tutors, you should:

1. Study your course material and attempt the assignments before you go for tutoring help.

2. See if you can identify specific questions you have, or concepts you are not clear about.

3. Expect the tutor to ask you questions! They do this to find out what you understand, and to provide you with information and strategies tailored to your individual needs.

4. Be patient. Several students may come for tutoring at the same time. If the tutors are especially busy, you may have to wait a little longer for individual assistance. Use this time to study the material, or better yet, learn what questions your peers have–you may realize that you have the same questions!

5. Expect the tutor to suggest general study strategies to help you improve your overall academic performance.

6. Don’t wait until the day before the test or the day before an assignment is due to seek assistance. It is EASIER to keep up than to catch up!

7. Use other resources such as your instructor’s office hours, TA office hours, study groups with your friends and the LSC Supplemental Instruction courses.

8. Keep a positive attitude about the subject and about your potential to excel. Maintain and expand your growth mindset!

(LSC tutors will not do your homework or re-teach course material.)

Want to get the most out of tutoring and other course support?

TIP: Successful students ask for help when they need it!The LSC provides workshops and consultations in study skills, time management, exam preparation, and more.

There are many valuable resources students can take advantage of across Cornell, such as Professor/TA office hours, the libraries, and tutoring for courses not supported by the LSC.  Please see additional tutoring resources.

In order to help students navigate the Cornell campus, landscape, and community, we’ve provided a list of often used acronyms and terms.  Please find definitions, helpful links, and more here!  Always check with your College to make sure you have the most up-to-date information.

Other ways to get support

Tutoring is one way to ask questions, but it is not the only one! Below are some other options for getting your questions answered.

The Learning Strategies Center is committed to ensuring access for all students.
Please email us if you have any questions or concerns about accessing our services.  

The LSC tutors rock. I really count on them to explain material on an easy-to-understand level—and they went through the same confusion at one time.