Start the Fall Semester Strong!

Welcome to Fall 2024! The LSC is looking forward to working with you this fall. As you start the semester, what are some things you should think about to get started strong?

Develop a system to manage your time

Time management is one of the top skills current and former Cornell students say is key to success. So, how do you develop a plan to manage your time?

  • Create and maintain a schedule: even though it can be a challenge, it is important to create a schedule – and stick to it. Consider using semester calendars to map out big due dates and important events and weekly planner to map out how you will spend your time in a week.
  • Sleep: Sleep is necessary for processing and retaining new information-you need to sleep in order to learn. Scheduling enough time for sleep can be just as important as scheduling enough time to study.
  • Break the cycle of procrastination: if you procrastinate, LSC can help you figure out why. This info will inform what you can do to break the cycle.
  • Develop a plan for unplanned events: This may sound odd -how can you plan for something you don’t know about?- but things happen! Develop a plan for if you need to miss class before you need it.

Work smarter, not harder!

Get help when (not if) you need it!

Successful students ask for help when they need it! So, where do you get help? Check out our post on “Where to get help when you need it!” for some ideas.

ask for help!

Hear it from your peers! Check out successful students’ top 10 recommendations for starting strong!

The LSC Sensory Room is Open!

A sensory room is a place where students who are stressed or overstimulated can find respite or escape sensory overload. It’s a welcoming space for all students, especially those who identify as neurodivergent, and it allows them to have greater control over their level of sensory input.

Cornell students can visit the room this summer Monday through Thursday from 9:00am-5:00pm and Friday 12:00-5:00pm.

Read more here!

Successful students ask for help when they need it!

At the LSC, you will often hear us say, “Successful students ask for help when they need it!”. This advice actually came from our student tutors. When we asked them what they would want to share with new students, this was the most common response.

So, you might be wondering, where DO I get help if when I need it?

Where can you get help?

Visit office hours with your course instructor or TA (Teaching Assistant). Office hours are times for you to come and ask questions – they are usually held at a variety of times. Instructors and TAs are there to help you learn, so visit office hours and take a look at how you can best use them! (New to Cornell? – check out our Cornell Terms to Know page!)

Look for LSC tutoring and LSC Supplemental Courses, which are available as a supplement to some challenging introductory courses and give additional problem-solving practice. Check out the LSC webpage for what courses are supported. All courses and tutoring offered by the LSC are available at NO COST to you!

Find a study group or study partner. Not only are study partners a great way to network and connect with your peers, studying together is a powerful tool for learning:

  • Other students may have questions you didn’t even know you have.
  • Setting a regular time and place to study can help with procrastination.
  • Explaining material to other students is a well-established method of solidifying your own knowledge.
  • Working with classmates from a variety of background helps you gain insights and experience perspectives you might not otherwise have access to.

group working at a tableFinding people to study with can be challenging (even when you are taking in-person classes), and Cornell’s Learning Strategies Center (LSC) helps match you with study partners. To find out more about study groups and partners and to sign-up for study partners for class you are in, visit the LSC’s Studying Together webpage.

people talking

Talk to your Advisor. Every college is different in terms of how advising works, but they all have staff who are there to help! College advisors provide information on where to get support while you are here and they can advise you on the courses you need to/should take.

Look at study tips and strategies offered by the LSC. Help with study strategies and time management can be just as important as help with content. Sometimes tweaking your current study strategies or trying new ones can help you save time and learn material better. Check out the LSC resources on how to study, managing time and stress, and learning online.

There are many place to get help! Your friends, residential staff, and family are great resources. Check out non-LSC academic resources and other campus support offices.

As you already know, it won’t always be easy, but you can do it!

Cornell WILL push you and it WILL be hard sometimes (that’s how we get better and learn). Remember, you have the tools and the resources – maybe you need to tweak them, maybe you need to try something new, but you have what you need, and you have a community of support (your peers, your instructors, your advisors, residential staff, and many others) here to help.

It’s easier to keep up than catch up, so make sure you get help when you need it. Have a great semester!

Use syllabus week to establish your plan for the semester. Go through your syllabi and put the dates of prelims, essays, and projects in your calendar. Include important extracurriculars. Make a weekly schedule with classes, office hours, when to do homework, study, workout, etc. Spend time studying the first couple of weeks so the first wave of prelims doesn’t just hit you. Practice good self-care: sleep well, eat well, workout. Review your notes everyday. Keep your room clean and organized. Find study habits that work for you – try self-testing. Go to office hours and ask questions. Set a routine and stick to it!