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LSC tutoring
LSC offers free drop-in group tutoring for many undergraduate classes at Cornell!
LSC tutors are undergrads who help guide students as they master challenging course material.

The first step in breaking your procrastination cycle is to figure out why you’re not doing whatever it is you really should be doing--we can help!
Announcements & Events
It's not too late to find a study partner!

Studying with peers is an effective way to learn complex and challenging material and helps you connect with each other. Click to find out more!
What should you do when you get your prelims back?

Do not just file it away! Your returned test is an opportunity to debrief and strategize!
LSC Resources Overview

The LSC is here to help! Dr. Jones will help you find a summary of links to the supports offered by the LSC.
LSC YouTube Channel

Check out videos and playlists on study skills tips, the student experience, preparing for exams, the Cornell Notetaking System, managing your time, and more!