LSC can help match you with study partners!
Find study partners! Form a study group! Studying with others is an effective study strategy, a great way to learn complex and challenging material, and can help you connect with peers! If you are a current Cornell University student looking for study partners (in-person or online), then you are in the right place. The LSC can help match you with other students in your classes! This service is only available to Cornell students.
Study partner matching is open for Spring 2025!
Complete this form to tell us about the classes where you’d like to find study partners.
You will receive an email from with more information.
If you are a Cornell faculty member looking to share information about study partners in you courses, click here for additional information.
If you have questions please email us at
What are students saying about study partners?
LSC has made thousands of study partner matches! What do students find useful about studying with other students?
- “It was helpful to just have a support system with another student.”
- “It helped me gauge how in depth I was supposed to know the material for my class, and it helps a lot to work together when you get stuck.”
- “I learned a lot from just talking, seeing a different perspective in the class and building my own understanding on the topics.”
- “Being able to connect with fellow students made the class experience a lot more enjoyable.”
- “I loved my study group.”
- “(It was great to) discuss our papers and study for the prelims together.”
Study Partner FAQs
When will I get matched?
Study partner matching for Spring 2025 will begin the week before classes begin.
How will my partner(s) and I get organized?
You and your study partners will determine when and how to study together. Use the LSC’s tips for setting your group’s agenda and making the most out of studying together.
What does LSC base these matches on?
LSC’s matching is based on what class you’ve requested study partners for. It is up study partners to determine when and where to meet, and if you’d prefer to meet in person or online.
What if my group doesn’t work out?
Sometimes matched students can’t find a time to meet that works for everyone, or one person is auditing and decides not to do group work after all, or someone drops the class, etc. If you’d like to request help with your group or even find new partner(s), please DO NOT fill out the webform again. Send an email to to let us know what’s going on, and we’ll try to help.
What about my privacy?
The information you provide on the request form goes to a secure database. When we’re able to make a match we send an email to the Cornell net ids of the students who expressed interest in finding study partners for the same course. Due to privacy rules we are not able to disclose which classes the student(s) receiving the matching email are taking. It’s kind of odd, but your first group assignment will be to figure it out!
What about academic integrity?
It is the responsibility of you and your study partners to understand and adhere to your instructor’s expectations regarding group work. If you are not sure, ask! See for more info.
Looking for other places to get help and support? Check out our page, “Successful students ask for help when they need it!“.