Orgo Winter Workshop FAQ

Organic Chemistry Preparation Workshop Course FAQ

The Winter Session CHEM 3580 Prep is an opportunity for students who are taking CHEM 3580 in the spring to work on fundamental concepts and skills needed for success in CHEM 3580.

What will students learn in the Winter Session CHEM 3580 Prep?
This winter session offering is similar to CHEM 1058 offered during the academic year. The course will review relevant topics from CHEM 3570 (resonance, curved arrow formalism, foundational reaction mechanisms) and also will introduce topics from CHEM 3580 including but not limited to:, reactions of dienes, aromaticity, Frost circles, and chemistry/reactions of benzene.

What are the logistics of Winter Session CHEM 3580 Prep?
The course will take place virtually, with synchronous-only components from 1/3/2024-1/12/2024. Students will be expected to attend lecture and problem solving sessions each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Students MUST be available at the following times: Mondays – Fridays from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET (lecture) and 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM ET (problem-solving).  Additional optional problems may also be posted for students to work on.  Expected workload for students will between 6-10 hours per week.

Is there a cost?
This not-for-credit workshop is free to all participants, and nothing will go on a student’s transcript. Any time spent can be viewed as an investment in future success in Chem 3580!

Who is Winter Session CHEM 3580 Prep for?
Self-motivated students who are taking CHEM 3580 in the Spring and who are concerned about the intensity or pace of that course, are questioning their level of prior preparation in math, or who wish to build confidence after CHEM 3570.  Barring unforeseen circumstances, students are expected to participate in the program for its entirety.

How can students participate?

All students are welcome to access materials but must commit to attendance and availability during both times listed in order to get access to Zoom links for lecture and problem-solving.  Students who fail to attend sessions during January 3rd – January 5th will not be invited to attend sessions during January 8th – January 12th. Students can self-enroll in the course by the following URL: For questions, reach out directly to the course instructor, Brandon Bogusz (