Other Courses

Winter Workshop Courses

Winter 2025 offerings are posted!

Here at the Learning Strategies Center we encourage you to make time over winter break to rest and recharge, which can mean different things for different students. If you feel like your break would be most productively spent in non-academic pursuits then we support you! And, if you feel that you would benefit from extra preparation before the Spring semester starts, we support you too—read on to learn about our free, non-credit winter prep workshops. All workshop courses are online, synchronous during the 3-week winter session.

Winter Workshop Courses

Asynchronous Canvas Resources

Maybe you’d like to do some review before classes start, or maybe you dropped a class and would find it useful to get additional preparation before you take the class again. LSC’s anytime online modules are for you! Cornell net ID log-in is required for these resources. Currently, self-enroll Canvas courses are available for:

Chem 2080 review self-enroll Canvas Link

Chem 3570 Prep self-enroll Canvas Link

Math 1110/1106 Diagnostic and Preparation self-enroll Canvas Link

Math 1120 Diagnostic and Preparation self-enroll Canvas Link

Study Skills self-enroll Canvas Link

We are adding to these resources as we can. More coming soon!

Academic Year Course Offerings

HE 1115: Critical Reading and Thinking

Description: In this course students will gain greater awareness of how they manage their time and how they manage themselves. Through self-study, time tracking and self-reflection, students will examine their ways of doing things and practice different approaches to time management, improving sleep, managing stress, as well as a number of study skills, including test preparation, reading, note-taking, and writing and problem-solving efficiently and effectively.

Other topics students will work on include: mindfulness, growth mindset, procrastination, attention and neuroplasticity.

Credit: HE1115: Critical Reading and Thinking is a 2-credit course offered every fall and spring semester. Enrollment preference given to: freshmen and sophomores.

Additional information: Contact Michael Chen, msc7@cornell.edu.

Math 1101: Calculus Preparation

Objective: Math 1101 is a preparatory course for Math 1106 and Math 1110. Classes meet two times per week for 50 minutes. There are no recitations. Structure of class is both lecture and active student participation.

Credit: Math 1101 is a 2-credit course (letter grade only). This course includes both precollege level mathematics and introduces topics from Math 1106 and Math 1110. Individual colleges should determine whether this course can be applied towards their college’s quantitative reasoning requirements.

Description: Calculus Preparation introduces a variety of topics of algebra and trigonometry, which have applications in various disciplines. Emphasis is on the development of linear, power, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions. Students will have a better understanding of the behavior of these functions including asymptotic behavior and limits and their application to calculus, because of the strong emphasis on graphing. Calculus topics include limits, continuity, derivatives and extrema. Application of these mathematical ideas will be addressed in problem solving activities.

Additional information: Contact Doug Knowles, ddk62@cornell.edu.