What are LSC supplemental courses and for which large, introductory courses are they offered?
Supplemental courses are offered to support students in Chemistry 2070 and 2080, Chemistry 3570 and 3580, Economics 1110 and 1120, Math 1106, 1110, 1120, and 2210, BIOMG 1350 (Cell and Developmental Biology), BIOG 1440 (Comparative Physiology), and Physics 1112 and 2213. LSC supplemental courses help Cornell students:
- Evaluate and implement effective learning strategies.
- Enhance their sense of agency.
- Develop a growth mindset.
- Learn and practice effective problem-solving strategies.
- Expand conceptual understanding of parent course material.
When are the supplemental courses?
Find out more about when and how Supplemental Courses, Other LSC Courses, and Tutoring is offered by clicking on a button below.
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Here’s what Cornell students say about LSC Supplemental Courses:
- “The manner in which the course was taught was extremely helpful. The presentation of examples of multiple levels of difficulty and the opportunity to work through the step-by-step solutions made the course extremely effective.”
- “It gave a very direct, clear, and simple reinforcement of course material.”
- “The supplemental course offered me extra time to spend focusing on the material in a structured environment.”
The LSC also offers stand-alone courses in study skills and calculus preparation. Here’s what Cornell students say about LSC’s other courses:
- “HE1115 taught me how to schedule out my week. This helped me stay organized and productive, more so than I have ever been.”
- “I didn’t feel prepared enough for Math 1110. Math 1101 is giving me the tools I will need to do well in calculus next semester.”
- “The course allowed us to work together in solving problems that may give us difficulty in class.”
- “Really good class for seeking extra help and attention.”
New to Cornell?
In order to help students navigate the Cornell campus, landscape, and community, we’ve provided a list of often used acronyms and terms. Please find definitions, helpful links, and more here! Always check with your College to make sure you have the most up-to-date information.
Cornell University is committed to ensuring access for all students. For disability accommodations please contact the Learning Strategies Center (learningstrategiescenter@cornell.edu or 607-255-6310) as soon as possible. Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs.