Study Skills Workshops & Tutoring

LSC study skills tutors facilitate workshops, visit classes, and offer drop-in study skills tutoring sessions throughout the semester. If you would like a study skills tutor to facilitate a session for your group or stop into a class you teach, contact us to set it up!

Study Skills tutors can help with:

  • Figuring out a plan to study for your upcoming prelim or to complete your class project
  • Helping you and your classmates organize your group work and manage partner-based projects
  • Managing your schedule and making plans that will help you stay (or get) on track to finish your semester successfully
  • Learning about evidence-based methods for studying, note-taking, and time management & figuring out which of these strategies will work best for you
  • Discovering the best methods for learning from your digital course materials
  • Pointing you toward the best resources and support services at the LSC and throughout Cornell

Spring 2025 Workshops

You can find a list of our study skills workshops along with the rest of our tutoring schedule at this link. Below you can find some more details about the different kinds of study skills workshops and what they cover.

Start Strong

Whether you are gearing up for a new semester or a new experience as a Cornell student, our peer tutors can help you set yourself up for success in the new semester. In these workshops, you will learn how to get the most out of their syllabi, map out the semester to identify crunch times, and learn some strategies for starting the semester strong.

Study Smarter

In these workshops, peer tutors demonstrate some evidence-backed strategies that can help you make the most out of your study-time. You’ll work with tutors to assess which study strategies will work best for you and you’ll leave with a personalized plan for studying as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Time Management

These hands-on workshops are about organizing your academics and managing your time. We’ll discuss some strategies for making the most of your limited time—including methods for studying more efficiently and balancing your commitments. Participants will also work with tutors to map out their semesters and design schedules that will help them stay on track.

Prelim Prep

In these workshops, tutors present some effective strategies for prelim prep. You’ll work with tutors to assess which strategies will work best for you and you’ll leave with a personalized plan on how to get ready for one of your upcoming prelims.

Finish Strong

When finals are fast approaching, it’s time to learn about the most effective strategies for studying efficiently and effectively. During these interactive workshops, our peer tutors will demonstrate some techniques for getting the most out of your studying time and will help you make a plan for finishing the semester strong.

Study Skills Tips from LSC Tutors

Check out our study skills tips Youtube Playlist here!  Hear from LSC peer experts on academic success, preparing for exams, self-care, asynchronous classes, back to back or clustered exams, Zoom fatigue, and more!

How do I…

  • Work more efficiently?
  • Get more sleep?
  • Prepare better for prelims?
  • Manage Procrastination and Distractions?
  • Write papers without pulling all-nighters?

If you have ever asked yourself these questions, then request a study skills peer facilitated workshop, and get tips on how to perform better and get more done with less stress!  Contact us ( to get your unit, department, club, group, etc. set up!


Cornell University is committed to ensuring access for all students.  For disability accommodations please contact the Learning Strategies Center ( or 607-255-6310) as soon as possible.  Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs.